Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Mid-Semester Feedback Tool Pilot

In Fall 2018, the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool pilot was released to participating schools.  This Mid-Semester Feedback tool provides another mechanism for instructors to collect feedback from students.  The tool is completely optional so instructors can choose whether or not to use the tool in their Canvas course sites. 


Related Pages:



What is the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool?


The Mid-Semester Feedback Tool is a Canvas tool which instructors can use to collect anonymous feedback from students.  Only users with the role of “Instructor” in a course site can view the student submissions.  A series of 4 optional questions will be provided and instructors will have the opportunity to add up to 4 additional short answer questions.


How do I use the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool?


For instructions on how to use the tool, please refer to our Mid-Semester Feedback documentation linked below.  You can also refer to our Mid-Semester Feedback FAQ page for additional details.  If you have any further questions on how to use the tool, please email us at canvas@yale.edu.


I have used the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool and have comments.  How do I submit suggestions for new features, report a bug and/or provide my feedback?


Please use our Mid-Semester Feedback Tool Feedback Form to submit bugs, feature suggestions, and feedback.


When will an updated version of the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool be released?


An updated version of the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool was released in January 2019.  Please revisit this page to see updates and release notes of upcoming releases.


Previous Release Notes: