Yale Center for Teaching and Learning

Fighting Imposter Syndrome for Dissertating Students


Faculty, Staff, Graduate & Professional Students, Postdoctoral Fellows

Event Time 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Event Description 

“They’re going to find out.” “I don’t belong here.” “That student in my seminar is so much smarter than me.” “ I suck at writing.” Imposter Syndrome is real, alive, and mean. It can also directly impact, and possibly even disrupt, your path to finishing your fantastic dissertation. This reflective and methods-based workshop gives you concrete planning, writing, and management strategies for taming the Imposter Syndrome dragon and making it work for you: your writing growth, your interest in your field, and your personal well-being. This event will also be helpful to postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty and is geared toward all disciplines. 

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